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Event History
The Mini-Workshop on Singularities, Geometry and Differential Equations is a scientific meeting organized by the Singularity Group of ICMC/USP/São Carlos every two years, with the first edition in 1997. Since the 10th edition, it has been organized outside the ICMC/USP/São Carlos aiming to present the research area of Singularity Theory for others states and regions of Brazil.
The 10th edition was held in the Northeast region in Fortaleza, Ceará, 2015 (link here), and the 11th edition took place in Niterói/Rio de Janeiro, 2017 (link here).
The 12th edition will take place in Vitória, Espirito Santo, from January 28th to February 2nd 2019, together with the 1st Meeting on Foliations and Singularities, in a joint organization with the group of Foliations and Singularities of UFES.
The aim is to provide a common space for experienced researchers, Master and Ph.D students, and young researchers in Singularity Theory and Foliation Theory to discuss about their recent progress and new projects on the frontier of both areas.
We are pleased to invite you to take part on it.
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