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12th Mini Workshop on Singularities, Geometry and Differential Equations and
1st Meeting on Foliations and Singularities
From January 28th to February 2nd, 2019
Federal University of Espírito Santo - Vitória, Brazil
Invited Speakers
Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas (ICMC-USP - Brazil)
​ Talk: Linear sections of determinantal varieties
José Seade (UNAM - Mexico)
Talk: Morse-Bott Foliations
Misha Verbitsky (IMPA - Brazil)
Talk: Locally trivial families in real analytic geometry
Jorge Vitório (IMPA - Brazil)
Talk: Singularities of codimension one foliations on projective threefolds
Terence Gaffney (Northeastern University - USA)
Equisingularity and theory of Integral Closure
Download the notes of the minicourse here
Webpage developed by Thiago Filipe da Silva
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