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Sixth Announcement



Dears participants of the 12th International Mini-Workshop on Singularities, Geometry and Differential Equations, and the 1st Meeting on Foliations and Singularities, to be held at Federal University of Espirito Santo, Vitória city, Espirito Santo state, from January 28th to February 2nd, 2019.


Please find attached and also posted in the link below


the timetable of our summer meeting.


Please pay attention in the following important points:


          1. If your name appears in the timetable to deliver a talk or do a poster presentation, we would ask please contact

              the organizers as soon as possible in the e-mail link


              informing your willing to join us, in case you have not answered our previous e-mail request yet.


          2. Please take a quick looking at the book of abstract to check the data (title/abstract) of your talk or poster

              presentations. See link below


In case you find any misprint on it please e-mail us informing about that and also the appropriate way to correct it.


          3. The organizers strongly recommend you to organize your talk as follows:


               i) Plenaries (1h): 50 minutes talk + 10 minutes for possible questions and transitions.

               ii) Short communications (30 minutes): 25 minutes talk + 5 minutes for possible questions and transitions.


          4. In case you want a letter acceptance informing that your work has been  accepted by the committees, please,

              contact us by e-mail to provide it.


          5. We strongly recommend you to make your own reservation at the hotels posted in the link below


              in case you need help do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail:


We take the opportunity to wish you Merry Christmas and an excellent New Year’s Eve!


We are looking forward to welcoming you all soon.


Best wishes and regards,

Leandro Nery

(On behalf of the organizers)


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