Seventh Announcement
Dear participants of the 12th International Mini-Workshop on Singularities, Geometry and Differential Equations, and of the 1st Meeting on Foliations and Singularities, to be held at Federal University of Espírito Santo, Vitória city, Espírito Santo state, from January 28th to February 2nd, 2019.
Please find attached the updated timetable of our forthcoming meeting on the link
https://mfsinges2019.wixsite.com/mfsinges2019/timetable .
Please check if there is any change in the schedule of your talk.
We ask your attention to the following issues:
1. Please do not forget to make your booking at the recommended hotels on the link
https://mfsinges2019.wixsite.com/mfsinges2019/general-informations .
In case you need some help, do not hesitate to email us:
2. We remind you the registration fee will be paid in Brazilian currency during the registration time (8:20 am - 9:30 am) on Monday (January 28th), next to the Auditorium (called CCE). The participants shall pay the registration fee according to the following:
Researchers: Brazilian currency 280.00 BRL (about 74.00 USD).
Post-doc researchers: 210.00 BRL (about 55.00 USD).
Ph.D students: Brazilian currency 140.00 BRL (about 37.00 USD).
Master and undergraduate students: Brazilian currency 80.00 BRL (about 22.00 USD).
3. The organization will not provide transportation from the airport to the hotels or from the hotels to the university. A taxi from the airport to the hotel costs 15.00 BRL, which is about 4.10 USD. It is more or less the same cost from the (recommended) hotels to the university. The hotels are not far from the university and it is possible to walk from the hotels to the university and vice versa through a nice neighborhood. We will provide people to help you on Monday 28th.
4. We recommend all speakers and lecturers to prepare slide presentations, because there will be only a small blackboard in the auditorium which does not seem to be suitable to develop a complete talk or lecture.
5. Do not forget to organize your talk as follows:
I) Plenaries (1h): 50 minutes talk + 10 minutes for possible questions and transitions.
II) Short communications (30 minutes): 25 minutes talk + 5 minutes for possible questions and transitions.
6. It is summertime in Brazil, so consider the possibility of bringing sunglasses and sunscreen. Vitória has a shiny light.
We are looking forward to welcome you soon.
Best wishes and regards,
Leandro Nery
(On behalf of the organizers)