Fifth Announcement
Dear participants of the 12th International Mini-Workshop on Singularities, Geometry and Differential Equations, and the 1st Meeting on Foliations and Singularities, to be held at Federal University of Espirito Santo, Vitória city, Espirito Santo state, from January 28th to February 2nd, 2019.
Please, pay attention in the following important points:
The deadline is close (next Friday, November 30th) and after that the system will be closed for registrations and also for updating data of talks or posters presentations. Hence, if you intend to do a talk/poster presentation during the meeting we kindly recommend you to update it before the deadline.
Do not forget to contact the hotel desk (see link below) to book your hotel room.
In case you need help, please, contact the organizers (Leandro or Thiago) in the e-mail: mfsinges2019@gmail.com
The registrations fees will be as below. We ask the participants to pay for it in the morning of the first day, January 28th 2019, in order to help us keep the logistics plan.
Researchers: Brazilian currency R$ 280,00 (two hundred and eighty reais). It is around US$ 74.00 (seventy four US-dollars).
Post-doc researchers: R$ 210,00 (two hundred and ten reais), around US$ 55.00 (fifty five US-dollars).
Ph.D students: Brazilian currency R$ 140,00 (one hundred and forty reais). It is around US$ 37.00 (thirty seven US-dollars).
Master and undergraduate students: Brazilian currency R$ 80,00 (eighty reais). It is around US$ 22.00 (twenty two US-dollars).
Beside the participation, the fees will cover the total expenses with coffee-break and a very special meal in the beach on Wednesday, January 30th, starting at 12h—12h30. The local organizers are planning a very special happy-hour for Wednesday with lunch, drinks, and free discussions in the beach!
We strongly recommend you to bring your preferred sun-cream, sun-hat and be prepared to enjoy a funny beach soccer/volley-ball. Come and enjoy!
(On behalf of the organizing committee)